Newsletter Monster Online Help

Newsletter Monster Online Help


  1. Log in to your Shopify store;
  2. Click Apps and click Visit the Shopify App Store;
  3. Search Newsletter Monster;
  4. Click Add app;
  5. Install app;
  6. Subscribe the Free or Pro plan;
  7. Click Approve subscription; 
  8. Arrive Acobot Thank you page with the brief instruction about Newsletter Monster;
  9. Read the brief instruction and click Start to set up your Newsletter Monster;
  10. Go to Dashboard and click the toggle button for Emails to enable the app after setup.
Note: If you already registered on with your email address, please follow the instruction to check your inbox for further installation information.

Access Newsletter Monster Dashboard

You can always access the dashboard of Newsletter Monster through your Shopify Store.
  1. Log in to your Shopify store;
  2. Click Apps and click Newsletter Monster;
  3. You'll be brought to the dashboard of your website.
  4. You can then either view the KPIs of recent campaigns, or set up Newsletter Monster for your store.

General Introduction

Types of Newsletters

Newsletter Monster helps you set up a series of newsletters freely with different intervals and purposes.
By intervals: Annual, Monthly, Weekly and Daily.

By purposes: Holiday Newsletter, Deals Newsletter, New Arrivals Newsletter, Bestsellers Newsletter, Quote Newsletter and Joke Newsletter.
You may enable multiple newsletters fit for your store for best results.

Newsletter Daily Limit

No matter how many newsletters you enable, only one email will be send to your subscribers each day.

Newsletter Priority

When more than one emails are scheduled to send on the same day, the email will be sent to your subscribers according to the priority as below.

                  Annual > Monthly > Weekly > Daily

The emails of lower priority will be discarded.

Global Settings

When you preview a newsletter email (except holiday newsletter), you can click the edit icon to set up the global settings for all newsletter emails as below.
You may customize the email header in newsletter emails as below:
Color: set up the color of email header. If you have no idea of the color code of your website theme color or your preferred color, you can use the tool below for color picking:
  1. Go to;
  2. Click the button Use Your Image to browse or drop your image;
  3. Move the cursor to the desired color of the image and click on it;
  4. Copy the HEX color code displayed;
  5. Paste the HEX color code in the header color setting.
Pattern: choose if to use a beautiful pattern for the header in newsletter emails.
Logo: choose if to include your logo in the header in newsletter emails. You can copy the URL of your logo image as below:
  1. Go to your website;
  2. Right click on the logo image;
  3. Choose Copy Image URL;
  4. Then you can paste the logo image URL in the logo setting.
Note: The color setting applies to all newsletters except Holiday newsletters.


You may customize the buttons in newsletter emails as below:
Style: choose solid or hollow button style.
Width: choose the button width.
Color: choose the button color. 


Round corner: choose the style of the frames' corner and buttons to personalize the newsletter emails further.
Free Shipping: choose if to include a free shipping block in your email newsletters. By clicking the Edit icon, you can add your description about free shipping.
Trust badges: choose if to include badges fit for your shop in your email newsletters, to build trustworthiness.
Support email: specify the support email address of your shop, which will be showed in your email newsletters.
Policy links: choose if to include links to your webpages such as Refund, Shipping, Privacy and Terms in your email newsletters, if these pages are generated with the Shopify theme templates.


Your can add social links in the newsletters as contact. 
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster;
  2. Click Settings – Preference - Social;
  3. Click the Edit icon and enter your social links when necessary.
  4. Save.

Holiday Newsletter

1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster -> Annual -> Holidays;
2. In the calendar, click on the holiday and have a preview of the holiday newsletter;
3. Click the Edit icon  then you can customize your holiday newsletters through the following settings.
Under Email:
  1. Status: choose to enable or disable the holiday newsletter;
  2. Email Date: set up the date when to send the holiday newsletter;
  3. Email Template: choose a template you like (available for some holidays);
  4. Sticker: choose a sticker to highlight your products;
  5. Email Subject: the email subject of the holiday newsletter;
  6. Opening Paragraph: the first paragraph in the holiday newsletter;
Under Coupon:
You can choose if to include a coupon code and offer it to your subscribers.
  1. Discount: the discount percentage you want to offer. The default value is 10%. 0 is allowed if you don't want to offer any discount.  
  2. Coupon Expiration Date: set up a date when the coupon code expires. 
  3. Description: the second paragraph about your coupon offer in the holiday newsletter. Keep this empty if you set your discount as 0. 
Under Products:
  1. Products: how many products (1-5) will be showed in the holiday newsletter; 
  2. Scheduled Products: you may specify the products to be showed in the holiday newsletter.
4. Enable the holiday newsletter under Email after your setting up;
5. Click the Save button at the bottom, and the holiday newsletter changes to Scheduled in your calendar.
Note: If you want to show the exact discount percent, coupon code or expiration time in email subject and body, please use the tokens below.
{{ coupon_discount }}
{{ coupon_code }}
{{ coupon_expiration }}

Deals Newsletter

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster -> Monthly (or Weekly) -> Deals;
  2. You can preview the deals newsletters, and then set up it under Options or by click the Edit icon .
  1. Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking the toggle button .
  2. Send on: set up the date when to send the deals newsletter.
  3. Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the deals newsletter.
  4. Discount: the discount percentage you want to offer. The default value is 10%. 
  5. Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
  6. Products to Discount: you can choose the deal products manually from the product list, or let the app choose random products.

New Arrivals Newsletter

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster -> Monthly (or Weekly) -> New Arrivals;
  2. You can preview the New Arrivals newsletter, and then set up it under Options or by click the Edit icon .
  1. Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking the toggle button .
  2. Send on: set up the date when to send the deals newsletter;
  3. Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the New Arrivals newsletter.
  4. Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
  5. New Products: you can choose the new products manually from the product list, or let the app choose new products based on their creation dates.

Bestsellers Newsletter

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster -> Monthly (or Weekly) -> Bestsellers;
  2. You can preview the Bestsellers newsletter, and then set up it under Options or by click the Edit icon .
  1. Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking the toggle button .
  2. Send on: set up the date when to send the Bestsellers newsletter;
  3. Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the Bestsellers newsletter.
  4. Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
  5. Bestseller Products: you can choose the new products manually from the product list, or let the app choose bestselling products based on their sales in recent 30 days.

Quotes Newsletter

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster -> Daily -> Daily Quotes;
  2. You can preview the Daily Quotes newsletter, and then set up it under Options or by click the Edit icon .
    1. Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking the toggle button .
    2. Images: choose the images that you like for Quotes newsletter;
    3. Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the Quotes newsletter.
    4. Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
    5. Weekdays only: choose if to send the Quotes newsletter during weekends.
    6. Products to Recommend: you can choose the products manually from the product list, or let the app choose them randomly.

Jokes Newsletter

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster -> Daily -> Daily Jokes;
  2. You can preview the Daily Jokes newsletter, and then set up it under Options or by click the Edit icon .
  1. Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking .
  2. Images: choose the images that you like for Jokes newsletter;
  3. Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the Jokes newsletter.
  4. Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
  5. Weekdays only: choose if to send the Jokes newsletter during weekends.
  6. Products to Recommend: you can choose the products manually from the product list, or let the app choose them randomly.

Enable Newsletter Monster

After setting up each newsletter, you need to enable the app on your store to launch your newsletter campaigns.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster;
  2. Click on the toggle button beside Email to enable the app.
  3. Done.

Disable Newsletter Monster

If you want to disable the app on your store temporarily, you can disable it without uninstallation.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster;
  2. Click on the toggle button beside Email to disable the app.
  3. Done.

Change Your Billing Plan

You can change your billing plan at any time with a click.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster;
  2. Click Settings – Billing;
  3. Click Subscribe or Cancel to change your billing plan;
  4. Done.