By intervals: Annual, Monthly, Weekly and Daily.By purposes: Holiday Newsletter, Deals Newsletter, New Arrivals Newsletter, Bestsellers Newsletter, Quote Newsletter and Joke Newsletter.
1. Go to the Dashboard of Newsletter Monster -> Annual -> Holidays;2. In the calendar, click on the holiday and have a preview of the holiday newsletter;3. Click the Edit icon then you can customize your holiday newsletters through the following settings.
Under Email:
- Status: choose to enable or disable the holiday newsletter;
- Email Date: set up the date when to send the holiday newsletter;
- Email Template: choose a template you like (available for some holidays);
- Sticker: choose a sticker to highlight your products;
- Email Subject: the email subject of the holiday newsletter;
- Opening Paragraph: the first paragraph in the holiday newsletter;
Under Coupon:You can choose if to include a coupon code and offer it to your subscribers.
- Discount: the discount percentage you want to offer. The default value is 10%. 0 is allowed if you don't want to offer any discount.
- Coupon Expiration Date: set up a date when the coupon code expires.
- Description: the second paragraph about your coupon offer in the holiday newsletter. Keep this empty if you set your discount as 0.
Under Products:
- Products: how many products (1-5) will be showed in the holiday newsletter;
- Scheduled Products: you may specify the products to be showed in the holiday newsletter.
4. Enable the holiday newsletter under Email after your setting up;5. Click the Save button at the bottom, and the holiday newsletter changes to Scheduled in your calendar.Note: If you want to show the exact discount percent, coupon code or expiration time in email subject and body, please use the tokens below.{{ coupon_discount }}{{ coupon_code }}{{ coupon_expiration }}
- Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking the toggle button .
- Send on: set up the date when to send the deals newsletter.
- Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the deals newsletter.
- Discount: the discount percentage you want to offer. The default value is 10%.
- Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
- Products to Discount: you can choose the deal products manually from the product list, or let the app choose random products.
- Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking the toggle button .
- Send on: set up the date when to send the deals newsletter;
- Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the New Arrivals newsletter.
- Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
- New Products: you can choose the new products manually from the product list, or let the app choose new products based on their creation dates.
- Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking the toggle button .
- Send on: set up the date when to send the Bestsellers newsletter;
- Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the Bestsellers newsletter.
- Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
- Bestseller Products: you can choose the new products manually from the product list, or let the app choose bestselling products based on their sales in recent 30 days.
- Status: enable or disable the newsletter by clicking .
- Images: choose the images that you like for Jokes newsletter;
- Stickers: choose a sticker to highlight your products in the Jokes newsletter.
- Products: the number of products (1 to 5) to include with each email.
- Weekdays only: choose if to send the Jokes newsletter during weekends.
- Products to Recommend: you can choose the products manually from the product list, or let the app choose them randomly.