Rocket Coupon

Rocket Coupon


  1. Log in to your Shopify store;
  2. Click Apps and click Visit the Shopify App Store;
  3. Search Rocket Coupon;
  4. Click Add app;
  5. Install app;
  6. You’ll then be brought to for registration. Enter your email & password to sign up on;
  7. Click 14 Day Free Trial to subscribe the Pro billing plan Pro (you can downgrade to Free plan any time);
  8. You're brought back to Shopify store. Click Start Free Trial to approve subscription; 
  9. Arrive Acobot Thank you page with the brief instruction about Rocket Coupon;
  10. Read the brief instruction and click Start to go to dashboard;
  11. Click the toggle button to enable the widget;
  12. Go to Settings and customize Rocket Coupon as below (Optional.)

Access Rocket Coupon Dashboard

You can always access the dashboard of Rocket Coupon through your Shopify Store.
  1. Log in to your Shopify store;
  2. Click Apps and click Rocket Coupon;
  3. You'll be brought to the dashboard of your website.
You can then either set up Rocket Coupon for your store or view the recent statistics.

Set up your coupon discount

Set up the discount percentage that you want to offer to your customers. 
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Basics – Discount;
  3. Click the Edit icon and enter your discount percentage;
  4. Save.
Note: By default, the discount percentage is set to 10%.

Set up your support email

Your support email will be used in email templates as contact.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Basics –  Support Email;
  3. Click the Edit icon and enter your email.
  4. Save.

Set up First Order Only option

You can decide if to offer the discount to all visitors or to new customers only.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Basics –  First Order Only;
  3. Choose ON or OFF;
  4. Save.
Note: When you choose ON, the widget will be displayed to new customers only and invisible to returned customers who used the coupon. 
Note: When you choose OFF, the widget will be displayed to all visitors no matter they use the coupon or not.

Customize Rocket Coupon widget on your store

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Widget;
  3. Color: select a background color to match your store;
  4. Devices: decide if Rocket Coupon will be displayed on desktop and/or mobile devices;
  5. Mobile Layout: decide where Rocket Coupon widget will be displayed on your store – top or bottom;
  6. Desktop Layout: decide where Rocket Coupon widget will be displayed on your store – left or right;
  7. Desktop Style: select a style for Rocket Coupon widget on desktop.

Set up your email template

We have 5 email templates for your option. Select one that matches your store style.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Email template;
  3. For the email template that you like, click Choose or Preview.
  4. Done.
The chosen email template will be used to send emails such as coupon code, cart recovery, browse recovery and coupon expiration reminder to your customers who request coupon code. 

Add social links in email templates

Your social links will be displayed in email templates as contact
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Social;
  3. Click the Edit icon and enter your social links when necessary.
  4. Save.

Enable Rocket Coupon widget on your store

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click on the toggle button beside Widget to enable the widget.
  3. Go to your store (refresh the webpage if necessary) and you will see the widget displays as a question mark icon.
Note: For better performance, your store needs to have no less than 5 products to enable the widget. 
Note: By default, the widget displays on your store automatically when you have no less than 5 products.

Disable Rocket Coupon widget on your store

If you want to hide the widget on your store temporarily, you can disable it without uninstallation.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click on the toggle button beside Widget to disable the widget.
  3. Go to your store (refresh the webpage if necessary), the widget will be not displayed on your store.

Downgrade billing plan from Pro to Free

You can change your billing plan at any time with a click.
  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Billing;
  3. Click Downgrade to Free to change your billing plan;
  4. Done.

Upgrade billing plan from Free to Pro

  1. Go to the Dashboard of Rocket Coupon;
  2. Click Settings – Billing;
  3. Click Upgrade to Pro to change your billing plan;
  4. Select Yearly or Monthly plan;
  5. Approve your subscription on Shopify store;
  6. Customize your Rocket Coupon widget according to the instructions if needed.
  7. Go to dashboard to enable the widget (if needed).
  8. Done.