

The Dashboard gives you a quick view on the status of your AI and what features you have enabled. You can enable or disable the following features from the dashboard.


Acobot interacts with your website visitors through a floating chat widget. By changing the status of the widget, you can enable or disable Acobot for your website. 

Assisted Shopping

97% of the visitors to your website leave without buying anything. Acobot boosts conversions by guiding visitors through your sales funnel. It helps shoppers find what they want, adds products to their carts, and nudges them to check out, delivering more product views, more add-to-carts, and more completed checkouts. This is one of the core features of Acobot and is always enabled. Learn more about Assisted Shopping

Lead Generation

Upon visiting your site for the first time, about 40% of visitors are interested in your products but are not yet ready to buy. Acobot turns more of these visitors into sales leads by helping them shop. It also tactically leverages incentive offers. This is one of the core features of Acobot and is always enabled. Learn more about Lead Generation.

Cart Recovery

75% of digital shopping carts are abandoned. Acobot recovers more abandoned carts than any other app. We do this by converting anonymous visitors into tracked shoppers (sales leads) and sending recovery emails at opportune times. Learn more about Cart Recovery

Email Marketing

Acobot continues engaging with your shoppers after they have left your website. We use behavior-based, personalized emails that people love to open, read and click. This strategy allows us to turn more sales leads into paying customers and keep them coming back. Learn more about Email Marketing.

Discount Coupons

87% of U.S. online shoppers say that receiving a discount offer would motivate them to complete an order after adding a product to their digital carts. Acobot uses advanced discount coupons to boost the performance of your conversion optimization, lead generation and email marketing. Learn more about Discount Coupons.

Loyalty Program

A 5% increase in customer retention may lead to a profit boost between 25% and 95%. Acobot improves retention by rewarding customers for the actions that you expect, such as making a purchase or visiting your website. Learn more about Loyalty Program.

Referral Program

There is no better advocate for your brand than a satisfied customer. Acobot incentivizes your current customers to refer their friends to your website, growing your business faster than ever before. Learn more about Referral Program.

Disabling any of the above features may prevent you from getting the most from your e-commerce website. We strongly recommend you keep all features enabled.

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